Režie: Géla Babluani
Hrají: Sam Riley, Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Ray Winstone, Michael Shannon
Země: USA
Délka: 93 min.

Vince Ferro je v zoufalé situaci. Momentálně dělá příležitostnou práci a během toho ukradne obálku, jež obsahuje instrukce pro tajemnou práci a slibuje potenciální bohatství. A tak si Vince opatří falešnou identitu a pustí se do toho… V Talbotu, v americkém státě Ohio, potřebuje otec od rodiny peníze na životně důležitou operaci. Jeho syn Vince (Sam Riley), který pracuje jako elektrikář, zaslechne jednoho dne cizího muže mluvit o tom, že je možné za jediný den vydělat obrovské jmění. Když se ten samý muž předávkuje drogami, najde u něj Vince instrukce a mobilní telefon. Vince neváhá, vezme telefon i pokyny a vydává se pod falešnou identitou na cestu. Vlakem příjíždí do New Yorku a čeká na kontakt. Nemá nejmenší tušení, o co jde. Skončí v odlehlém domě, kde si bohatí muži sázejí na to, kdo přežije komplikovanou a nebezpečnou Ruskou ruletu: tentokrát je to číslo 13. Ve filmu se díky restrospektivním záběrům seznámíte s ostatními soutěžícími, včetně muže, kterého přivedl jeho bratr z ústavu pro duševně choré… Podaří se Vincovi vyhrát?

5 Komentáře k “13”

  1. Suri My napsal:

    It’s always fascinating to see how cinema can reflect and challenge the complexities of human experiences. The ability of films to transport us into different worlds and expose us to unique perspectives is truly unparalleled. Some films challenge societal norms, asking us to question our values, while others offer an escape from reality. What makes a movie impactful isn’t just the plot or visuals, but the emotional connection it creates. When done right, a film can leave a lasting imprint on its audience, provoking thought long after the credits roll. The power of storytelling in cinema is undeniable.

  2. Suri My napsal:

    Films like these serve as a powerful reminder of how deeply movies can influence our emotions and perspectives. They highlight the fact that cinema is not just entertainment but a form of art capable of offering profound insights into human nature. Whether it’s through compelling storytelling or visual aesthetics, a good film can evoke empathy and spark important conversations. It’s always inspiring to see how filmmakers push boundaries, challenge norms, and create works that remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. This dynamic nature of cinema makes it a timeless form of expression and reflection.

  3. Suri My napsal:

    Films that tackle complex emotions and societal issues often leave a lasting impact on the viewer, making them rethink their beliefs or experiences. A well-crafted narrative, along with strong characters, provides an opportunity to explore the depths of human nature. It’s fascinating how cinema has the power to transcend boundaries and create a shared experience among audiences, allowing individuals to connect with stories and characters, no matter where they come from. The beauty of storytelling lies in its ability to provoke thought and spark empathy, showing how film is more than just an escape—it’s a reflection of life itself.

  4. Suri My napsal:

    It’s incredible how films have the power to make us reflect on complex topics in such a profound way. The way filmmakers weave together narrative and emotion allows viewers to not only escape into a different world but also connect deeply with the characters and themes presented. Whether it’s tackling social issues, personal struggles, or universal themes of love and loss, movies often serve as a mirror to society. The conversations they spark can create lasting change by encouraging new perspectives and empathy. Cinema truly has a unique way of pushing boundaries and fostering understanding.

  5. Suri My napsal:

    It’s fascinating how films, through their diverse storytelling methods, capture the complexities of human nature and society. They have the ability to transcend cultural and geographical boundaries, allowing people to connect on shared emotions and experiences. What strikes me most is the way movies often hold a mirror to our world, challenging us to confront uncomfortable truths while also offering an escape into alternate realities. There’s power in cinema, not just in entertaining, but in pushing us to reflect, empathize, and, ultimately, grow as individuals and as a society. The impact of film cannot be understated.

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