Režie: Peter Núňez, Martina Cyprichová, Ivan Holub, Braňo Ramacsay, Matej Babulič
Rok: 2014
Země: Slovenská Republika

Veľké príbehy obyčajných ľudí Všetci snívame. O novom dome, dovolenke, svadbe, alebo aj o maličkosti, ktorú si z rôznych príčin nemôžeme dovoliť. Často však zo všetkého najviac potrebujeme nádej. Možno máte v hlave nápad, ako potešiť blízkeho človeka, ale nemáte prostriedky a šancu realizovať ho. Televízia JOJ prichádza s rodinnou reláciou, v ktorej je populárny slovenský moderátor Vilo Rozboril pripravený množstvu snívajúcich splniť, čo im na očiach vidí. A hoci život sa vrátiť nedá a o vlastnom zdraví nerozhodujeme vždy my sami, aj vďaka relácii V siedmom nebi sa na celom Slovensku môžu diať zázraky! Vďaka spolupráci s nadáciou Ľudia ľuďom každý týždeň uvidíte trojicu veľkých príbehov obyčajných ľudí. Príbehy, ktoré napísal sám život. Príbehy, ktoré vyčaria úsmev na vašej tvári, ale často aj rozplačú celé Slovensko. Uvidíte aj známe osobnosti, ktoré príbehy snívajúcich prežijú na vlastnej koži spolu s nimi. Slovenská rodinná show Vila Rozborila . Moderátor: Vilo Rozboril.


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    It quite remains the Quasimodo character today, even among professional dive replica watches, which admittedly have a tendency of getting rather lairy-looking from time to time. But there is charm – and a lot of it – to go with the Ploprof and its, well, „developed taste“ looks. This new model for 2016 – originally debuted in 2015 in different colors – is lighter, more rugged, and more refined than the Ploprof ever has been; so let’s see how it faired over an extended period of wear. Here’s a contradiction. One would think that the luxury omega replica industry – with its self-imposed-luxurious price levels, exquisite movement decorations and delicate case finishing – has in every practical way detached itself from the original notion and practicality of its historical products, the very products it has taken as inspiration and elevated to those aforementioned levels of quality, refinement, and (un-)affordability. Yet, watch lovers around the world (including the one typing this) will forever love a strong connection between modern and historical pieces, and drift towards luxury watches that imply (or, in the case of the Ploprof: scream) „Purpose Built“ at them. There is this almost intangible longing for a luxury breitling replica product that says it can go deeper, faster, harder while being lighter, more robust and reliable than it ever was – even if their true purpose in life is to perform desk diving missions (a most descriptive term for their true use).

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